Pictures of Alien Resistance                         The 2008 UFO Festival in Roswell, NM

Joe Jordan blowing his Shofar

The week started off with Joe Jordan of CE4 Research giving a talk at Not Of This World Christian Coffeehouse

Later the owners, Pastors Lawrence and Margie invited Joe to speak again at their church, New Destiny Fellowship.

At New Destiny Fellowship, giving testimony that alien abductions stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ

On Sunday, Joe Jordan gave a lecture at the CE4 Research Conference.
Joe Jordan put on the conference in conjunction with the City of Roswell.
Again we were testimony.

The Alien Resistance Booth at the Convention Center... amid selling Christian-perspective UFO/Alien books teaching on this deception, and Ancient of Days DVDs, at this event we gave away many free DVDs. We also gave away many educational fliers, and anti-alien stickers. But what we were most happy about was that we managed to go through  and give away over a full box of free Bibles (maybe 30). God is Good.

Below are some pictures of other booths at the convention center

"Get your picture with a UFO" booth


We were pleased with how well this Star-Trek display worked as an eye-catcher, many people stopped to read it and ask questions.


Paradox had her new book on display, and was amazed when it sold out.

A cute little guy who wanted some free no-alien stickers :)

We stayed pretty busy Thurs, Fri, and Sat while the convention center was open.

Joe Jordan, Paradox and Guy Malone, Guy and Joyce, and

Paradox and Guy Malone



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