"We were the ones who designed all life on earth" 
"You mistook us for gods"  
"We were at the origin of your main religions"  
"Now that you are mature enough to understand this, we would like to enter official contact through an embassy" 
-Told to the founder of the Raelian Movement in 1973 

The Alien Message to Humanity Routine communication by aliens to humans is largely accomplished telepathically. Another common element in these encounters is the presentation to the abductee of long detailed messages on large screens inside the craft. These communications usually warn of cataclysmic events and destruction coming upon the earth. Sometimes the information is blatantly religious, claiming (1) that we humans were created by the aliens, (2) that the aliens are trying to promote us along the road of evolution by their hybrid breeding program, and (3) that mankind must unite, through alien supervision, into a one-world government and a one-world religion in order to survive.   

UFO'S and Alien Abductions Author: Christian Information Ministries          

Some people claim to channel or receive messages from alien groups. If the messages are not specific, dates, times, events, they are meaningless. If they are universal messages about love, light and healing issues, 1990's stuff, they come from the person channeling. What you want from aliens is information that nobody else has that changes humanity. To date, everything offered is generic. If aliens want to speak up and help, they will come forward, forget the conspiracy and intrigue. It won't happen. https://www.crystalinks.com/ets.html


Aliens profess that they are gods profess that they are gods and they are our creators.  Aliens teach that Jesus was half human, was an avatar sent from the "Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters"  We are told this earth has been visited many times in the past and presently by different types of extra-terrestrials. These ET's have been involved with our creation, evolution, religions, myths, beliefs, etc. https://www.fillthevoid.org/Ufo/TheFalse


- Some contactees are being told that humans are the consequence of ET encounters with earlier forms of man. Without this contact man never would have evolved to the point we have. Rael, the chosen prophet and messiah of the Raelian movement was told as a contactee, that mankind was created by a group of ET's called the Elohim using advanced genetic engineering in laboratories 4. Others who believe in the messages of the Pleiadians are told, that the Pleiadian ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth who seeded this and other worlds.12 What ever the explanation we are told ET's are involved with our evolution and creation.  

- Some contactees are being told that: "Humankind stands now in the transitional period before the dawn of a New Age. (With peace, love and understanding, the people of Earth will see a great new era begin to dawn.) The Space Beings are here to teach, to help awaken the human spirit, to help humankind rise to higher levels of vibration so that the people of Earth may be ready to enter new dimensions. 1. We are poised for a quantum leap forward on both the biological and spiritual levels. The human soul will evolve.

- If the Earthlings should not raise their vibratory rate within a set period of time, severe earth changes and major cataclysms will take place. (Such disasters will not end the world, but shall serve as cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of unreceptive humanity. Those who die in such dreadful purgings will be allowed to reincarnate on higher levels of development so that their salvation will be more readily accomplished through higher teachings on a higher vibratory level.)" 2

- Others are being told that the receptive or chosen will be saved by benign ET's and their ships when these disasters take place. Some like the Raelians are told they will experience some kind of eternal existence through further genetic engineering ie. cloning.

- A major leap in consciousness and evolution is about to take place: Crop circles, UFO sightings and contactee and abductee experiences are preparing those who are receptive of these changes. Events such as the Harmonic Convergence are lifting the veil so the Higher Galactic intelligences of the universe will be able to channel their energies and influences to facilitate the shift towards a New Age.12 


"In my Aquarian revelations I presented a distillation of the Outer Space Apocrypha that would seem to contain the basic ideas presented to the world by all those whom the Space Brothers selected to preach the Cosmic Gospel: 

* Man is not alone in the solar system.  He has "Space Brothers" and they have come to Earth to reach him and teach him. 

* The Space Brothers have advanced information that they wish to impart to their weaker brethren.  The Space Brothers want man to join an intergalactic spiritual federation. 

* The Space Brothers are here to teach, to help awaken man's spirit, to help man to rise to higher levels of vibration so that he may be ready to enter new dimensions... 

* Man stands now in the transitional period before the dawn of a New Age.  With peace, love, understanding, and brotherhood on man's part, he will see a great new era begin to dawn. 

* If man should not raise his vibratory rate within a set period of time, severe Earth changes and major cataclysms will take place.  Such disasters will not end the world, but shall serve as cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of unreceptive humanity.  Those who die in such dreadful purgings will be allowed to reincarnate on higher levels of development so that their salvation will be more readily accomplished."  

Brad Steiger, a New Age researcher and author, "Revelation: The Divine Fire," A Berkley Book, pp. 157-158

"The guides responded: 'She would be wise not to infuse so much biblical religion into her messages, as the Ashtar Command is nondenominational and, like all spacebeings, worships the one Creator of us all.  She is not hearing from the ones you mention [Jesus, Mary and other saints], but is feeling what they might have conveyed.  We don't like to see the issue unduly tied in with biblical stories.'" 

Ruth Montgomery, "Aliens Among Us," Fawcett/Crest, Pg. 44. 

UFO contactees Moi-Ra and Ar-Ja Dove claim Jesus was not the Christ by himself. YHWH and Jesus never “really ever proclaimed themselves as the ultimate one GOD! . . . No! They have always proclaimed themselves as but aspects of the one God, just as you are!”

One of the most appealing aspects of UFOs is their religious content and structure. UFOs can readily function as a religion for several reasons. They deal with important and often ultimate issues in human life; they contain references to entities that bear some resemblance to traditional religious beings, such as gods, supernatural heroes, angels, and devils; and they appear to have a spiritual or transhuman nature, since their presence is not susceptible to modern empirical investigation. At least seven major religious themes or elements dominate accounts of UFO sightings and contacts: (1) mystery; (2) transcendence; (3) belief in spiritual entities; (4) perfection; (5) salvation; (6) worldview (the ascription of meaning and purpose to the universe); and (7) spirituality.

John A. Saliba, “Religious Dimensions of UFO Phenomena,” The Gods Have Landed. Edited by James R. Lewis (New York: State University, 1995), 41.


    • They are the ones who have created us by using DNA.
    • They will guide us in our next evolutionary leap.
    • Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Mohammed and other religious leaders were really them.
    • That the earth is actually a living organism.
    • They teach that the earth will be destroyed if they cannot change mankind.
    • They teach that they are more advanced both technologically and spiritually.
    • They teach that they are corporeal beings and that they reside in other star systems.
    • They are our benefactors.

Joseph Jordan - “UnHoly Communion”, DVD, 2008 Roswell UFO Conference Talk