What We Don't Believe

We at CE4 Research began offering a Biblical perspective and testimonial evidence on the UFO/Alien Abduction topics in 1997. At that time there were only a handful of Christian websites presenting any research on the topic (and no others of which the UFO/Alien deception was the website or ministry’s primary focus). But since the rise in popularity of the internet over the last two decades, and the explosion of social media networking sites, there are now many, many Christian websites, blogs, and ministries which teach online about the UFO/Alien Abduction topic.

Anyone who wants to teach on the UFO/Alien Abduction (or any) topic - whether through a website or blog, or by making videos for YouTube - may now easily do so. However, we have found and would caution that some of the ‘Christian’ information we’ve seen available on the internet is not reliable. It may not reflect keeping with acceptable Bible-believing or academic standards of Bible interpretation, i.e., treating the Word of God as the Word of God. In many cases, we’ve observed that there is a trend to offer a "Christianized" version of the exact same things being taught in the secular, occult, metaphysical, and New Age circles on the UFO/Alien Abduction topic, despite demonstrable biblical contradictions and/or a general lack of support for these claims. This is often because there is too much stock placed upon the experience. In short the experiences, (whether sightings or alleged abductions), and pre-conceived beliefs, (such as New Age and secular UFO), become the filters for interpreting the Bible, instead of using the Word of God as a filter for interpreting the experience or pre-conceived beliefs.

There are also a few Christian researchers investigating the UFO/Alien Abduction topic who DO reliably follow academic standards of Bible interpretation, without allowing for speculation that is biblically unfounded. And a few that have enough of a solid foundation in the sciences as to not stray into pseudoscience in their speculations.

While we do believe the UFO/Alien Abduction topic has prophetic significance, we’ve seen that many put too much emphasis on speculations with no biblical backing in bible prophecy. For example, there has been an increasing trend over the past several years of seeing the secular research realm’s (unproven) claims of "alien/human hybridization" being touted by Christian researchers as proving of a "return of the nephilim", or fallen angel/human hybrids. This idea of a "return of the nephilim" has been around since at least the late nineties, but now has become more popular. But in light of our ongoing research and giving the Bible the greatest weight, and also considering abduction experience reports and scientific concerns, we ultimately have rejected this view as a proven fact or profitable doctrine. Our opposition to this idea and other unproven theories has possibly put us in the minority among Christians who popularly teach on the UFO/Alien Abduction topic. Many of these views have been derived by individuals who have subsequently become popular in some part due to the spectacular nature of the claims and the fascination by many with eschatology. However, we would like to point out that we believe our views to be based upon a Bible first approach, and we have actually come to this position as part of a team of reviewers and researchers (safety in a multitude of counselors—Proverbs 11:14).

That being the case, here are some examples of what we DO NOT believe and DO NOT teach:

- That fallen angel/ human hybridization is taking place today or will take place, aka "a return of the nephilim".

- That fallen angels, in their physical bodies, look like “greys,” “reptilians,” “insectoids,” or other “species” of “aliens”.

- That fallen angels or nephilim are living among us, looking like regular humans.

- That nephilim live inside secret underground military bases, or caverns.

- That an army of nephilim are secretly being amassed somewhere, to someday be sprung on the unwitting population.

- That political leaders or celebrities are in fact fallen angels or nephilim.

- That the second heaven or third heaven is a "parallel universe" or "parallel dimension" that exists all around us on earth.

- That fallen angels or nephilim live in the "parallel dimension of the second heaven", or third heaven, or fly around in UFOs..

- That fallen angels or nephilim live on other planets, or are from other planets.

- That some reported alien species are Holy angels, who travel in UFOs.

- That there is access to a hollow earth via Antarctica, or any other secret location or military base.

- That humans, nephilim, fallen angels, UFOs, Nazis, or descendents of pre-flood people, live in or travel to and from a hollow earth.

- That any humans (save those on the Ark) or nephilim survived the flood of Noah’s time, whether by taking refuge in a hollow earth, the second heaven, outer space, or anywhere else.

- That the tower of Babel was an inter-dimensional portal, or had any technological purpose.

- That human giants who lived after the flood, including human beings with gigantism today, are nephilim.

- That Ezekiel's wheel was a UFO.

- That a UFO parted the Red Sea, led the Israelites through the desert, or destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.

- That UFOs were responsible for the ascensions of Enoch, Elijah or Jesus to heaven.

- That "chariots" or "clouds of heaven" in the Bible were UFOs or technology used by angels or fallen angels.

- That angels or fallen angels travel around in flying saucers, in the present time or in biblical times.

- That angels or fallen angels, with or without UFOs or technology, are able to travel through time.

- That time travel is possible, or can be found in the Bible, whether done by fallen angels, angels, or humans, even prophets.

- That fallen angels are able to teleport people, open wormholes, or have technology to do such, or ever will.

- That fallen angels need to use and rely on technology, in any way, whatsoever.

- That the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, or any book not in the Bible, are inspired by God, or can be used like the Bible, as part of "Bible-based" Christian research, teachings, or speculation.

- That the book of Enoch is older than the Bible, or was carried on the Ark of Noah.

- That the antichrist will be Hitler, Nero, or any other dead human from history, resurrected back to life, or cloned.

- That "alien implants" are technology that change you to have "nephilim DNA".

- That those under the bondage of demonic oppression or possession, even of extreme degrees, are a different species with "nephilim DNA", sometimes called "Homo Satanas".

- That those with "nephilim DNA" or of a "nephilim bloodline" have in-born occultic superpowers, like remote viewing or psychic abilities.

- That your family, church family, friends, neighbors and co-workers, even Christians, could potentially be demon-possessed "sleeper agents", or "Satanic supersoldiers", possibly with “nephilim DNA”, who might at any time experience a dark supernatural wave or "black awakening" and start trying to kill you, and everyone around them.

- Than Satan procreated with Eve fathering Cain, i.e. the Serpent's Seed Heresy, or any variant thereof.

- That there are people in existence who look human, but are not eligible for salvation in Jesus Christ, for any reason whatsoever (including but not limited to being of an "alien, fallen angel, nephilim" etc. bloodline - or having any degree of DNA from such).

- That there is any sort of demonic oppression/possession or fallen angelic attack, or bondage that Jesus Christ cannot set a person free from.

We are born-again Bible-believing Christians, who take a sola scriptura stance on biblical interpretation, and we consider the Bible (the inerrant Word of the Creator God) to have the final say in all matters of faith and practice (also see our Statement of Faith). We link to what we consider to be the most credible Christian sources of information that we know of on the topic of UFOs/Alien Abductions, even if these sources come at the topic from different backgrounds and angles, and may not agree on all points.

CE4 Research has had a long history over the years of promoting credible Scientific and Christian research on the UFO/Alien Abduction topic from our website, and through the Ancient of Days conferences, peer authored books, magazine articles, and radio show interviews. Many of our presentations can now be seen and heard on our video and audio links page on our website. CE4 Research continues to present and link to some of the best ongoing Bible-believing Christian research on the internet pertaining to the UFO/Alien Abduction topic, without compromising our standards for Christian research, regardless of what is currently popular or “trending”. As it is, most of our website visitors appreciate the firm stance we have taken with our standards, and appreciate the resources we make available.

"In dealing with the mystery of UFO's, we are not on the lunatic fringe of theology.
Instead, we stand on your behalf in front line of battle.
We are in defensive warfare at a major point of assault on humanity."

- Dr. David Allen Lewis, Author, UFO: End Time Delusion