Alien Resistance Online Video Collection

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Evidence for a Spiritual Interpretation of Alien Contact
by Guy Malone
Guy Malone began his ministry in the UFO field spurred by the mass-suicide of the Heaven's Gate UFO cult. He is best known as author of "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible" and - after moving to Roswell in 1999 - as co-founder (with Joe Jordan and Chris Ward) of Alien Resistance, an organization dedicated to offering Biblical perspectives on the UFO / Abduction phenomena. Malone has organized several successful conferences in Roswell which affirm the more credible aspects of UFO and abduction research, and investigates such reports from an evangelical perspective. In 2007 he served as conference coordinator for The City of Roswell's 60th Anniversary. This lecture provides an overview of the messages, actions and abilities demonstrated by modern "aliens" with insight into the scriptural and theological arguments that logically support the fallen angel interpretation of the phenomena.


Unholy Communion: Casualties of a Cosmic War
by Joe Jordan
Joe Jordan is the President and co-founder of the CE4 Research Group, an Alien Abduction investigation and research team based out of Cocoa, Florida. Joe has been a Mutual UFO Network Field Investigator since 1992. He has shared his research findings from his Alien Abduction investigations through many radio shows, newspaper and magazine articles, DVD’s, and lectures. His research findings on Alien Abductions have been written about in twelve different books authored over the past decade. He has spoken during six Roswell UFO Festivals in Roswell, New Mexico, including the 60th Anniversary Conference in 2007, and the Roswell UFO Festival Conference in 2008. The findings of CE4 Research are without a doubt the most powerful and controversial evidence of the true nature of the Alien Abduction phenomenon to ever be presented.


Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection
by Gary Bates

Gary Bates
 is the CEO of Creation Ministries International (CMI) Worldwide, which has offices in 7 countries. It is believed that CMI employs more scientists than any other Christian organization. Their specialty is in dealing with the ongoing creation vs. evolution debate and to highlight the social ills of rampant evolutionism. A well -travelled international speaker, Bates resides in Australia and has been speaking on the creation/evolution issue since 1990. He was once an evolutionist, but is now fully convinced of the young-earth creationist position. He has a heart to communicate this information at a lay level so more can become convinced about the total veracity of Scripture. In recent years, Gary has undertaken specialist research into the UFO phenomenon and associated extraterrestrial beliefs. Gary has written the top 50 bestseller "Alien Intrusion : UFOs and the Evolution Connection". This unique book provides biblical answers to the puzzling questions regarding UFOs and life on other planets. Gary is also on the editorial staff and a regular contributor to Creation magazine.


Sleep Paralysis: A Modern Connection to an Ancient Evil
by Mike Tatar

Michael Tatar, Jr. is known to Nashville, TN talk-radio audiences as "Tom Bionic", co-host of the "Future Quake" program. He is co-founder of Modern Western medical thought says that sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from the REM state, but the body is in a state of paralysis, which they say prevents the body from manifesting movements made in the subjects dreams and causes hallucinations, mostly of "evil presences in the room". Yet they freely admit that very little is known about the physiology of sleep paralysis and that this is at best, a guess. There are several problems with this theory. One is that it is generally accompanied by the sense that there is something evil in the room and if it were only the result of people dreaming, even though their body is still asleep, why aren't there more people reporting all kinds very different dreams as you would expect, as opposed to almost identical experiences with this evil. The same story, the same feeling, and sometimes the same entity are being described by people who have had no contact with one another, or have never heard of SP before. This lecture will focus on how victims can stop this perplexing phenomena for good.


UFO Cults and ET-based Religious Movements
by Bill Alnor, Phd
In loving memory of the late Dr. William Alnor.
 Dr. Alnor was the author of four books: Soothsayers of the Second Advent; UFOs in the New Age; Heaven Can’t Wait, and UFO Cults and the New Millennium. He also authored hundreds of articles and investigative reports in many magazines and journals. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including 20/20, Inside Edition and A Current Affair. He was a professor at Texas A&M University - Kingsville, where he directed the journalism program, advised the university newspaper, and a campus Christian student fellowship. He oversaw the work of the Christian Sentinel’s publications and ministry. While working on his graduate degrees, he planted a church that became Calvary Chapel Living Waters of the Lehigh Valley in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is the former executive director of EMNR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions) and coordinated two successful national conferences on cults and false religious movements. He was the former news editor of the Christian Research Journal under the directorship of the late Walter Martin, the original Bible Answer Man and the former editor of National and International Religion Report.

"Testimony of a MUFON Investigator: Terminating Abductions as a Life Pattern"
by Joe Jordan 

Creation Theology vs. Panspermia: The Dark Side of Panspermia
by Michael S. Heiser, PhD

Mike Heiser is a scholar in the fields of biblical studies and the ancient Near East. He is the Academic Editor of Logos Bible Software. Mike earned the M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004. He has also earned an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania (major fields: Ancient Israel and Egyptology). His main research interests are Israelite religion, biblical theology, ancient Near Eastern religion, biblical & ancient Semitic languages, and ancient Jewish binitarian monotheism. Mike has been a frequent guest on a number of radio programs such as Coast to Coast AM. He is best known for his critique of the ancient astronaut theories of Zecharia Sitchin. Also See here for 6 more videos by Dr. Heiser.

Roswell 1947: What Really Happened?
by Guy Malone
Not a weather balloon, not an alien spacecraft? What facts could be so terrifying as to warrant the cover-up and secrecy attended to the Roswell Incident - clandestine operations so morally repugnant that a Post-WWII government would prefer U.S. citizens think that the government was lying to them, than to reveal the ugliest truths of all? Malone posits that an alien spacecraft was not being covered up, but rather that an alien spacecraft was the cover up. His presentation rests largely on eye-witness testimony, government records not released until decades later, and quotes from today's published Roswell researchers, and is known as "the most challenging, alternate view proposed yet for the Roswell UFO Crash of July 1947."


ET's Message to Humanity: A False Gospel
by Guy Malone

Guy Malone began his ministry in the UFO field spurred by the mass-suicide of the Heaven's Gate UFO cult. He is best known as author of "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible" and - after moving to Roswell in 1999 - as co-founder (with Joe Jordan and Chris Ward) of Alien Resistance, an organization dedicated to offering Biblical perspectives on the UFO / Abduction phenomena. Malone has organized several successful conferences in Roswell which affirm the more credible aspects of UFO and abduction research, and investigates such reports from an evangelical perspective. In 2007 he served as conference co-ordinator for The City of Roswell's 60th Anniversary. This lecture examines the many messages we receive from the ETs from a Christian perspective. What do they mean? Should it change the way we see God, Jesus and the Bible?


Aliens and Demonology: A Study Throughout History and Scripture
by Bill Alnor PhD

In loving memory of the late Dr. William Alnor.
Dr. Alnor was the author of four books: Soothsayers of the Second Advent; UFOs in the New Age; Heaven Can’t Wait, and UFO Cults and the New Millennium. He also authored hundreds of articles and investigative reports in many magazines and journals. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including 20/20, Inside Edition and A Current Affair. He was a professor at Texas A&M University - Kingsville, where he directed the journalism program, advised the university newspaper, and a campus Christian student fellowship. He oversaw the work of the Christian Sentinel’s publications and ministry. While working on his graduate degrees, he planted a church that became Calvary Chapel Living Waters of the Lehigh Valley in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is the former executive director of EMNR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions) and coordinated two successful national conferences on cults and false religious movements. He was the former news editor of the Christian Research Journal under the directorship of the late Walter Martin, the original Bible Answer Man and the former editor of National and International Religion Report.


Why an Extraterrestrial God Appeals to Today's Culture
Michael S. Heiser, PhD

Michael S. Heiser, PhD earned the M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004.  Before attending the UW-Madison, Mike earned an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania (major fields: Ancient Israel and Egyptology). Mike was hired as the Academic Editor of Logos Bible Software shortly after completing his Ph.D. Before joining Logos, Mike spent twelve years teaching biblical studies, history, and biblical languages on the undergraduate level. As Academic Editor for Logos, Mike is responsible for targeting and evaluating potential data projects for scholarly products, overseeing existing academic projects, and participating in creating academic content for the software.  Mike’s main research interests are Israelite religion (especially Israel’s divine council), contextualizing biblical theology with Israelite and ancient Near Eastern religion, biblical languages, ancient Semitic languages, textual criticism, comparative philology, and Second Temple period Jewish literature. Mike's other academic interests include paranormal and occult religions and western esotericism. He is particularly interested in how these worldviews and traditions have historically drawn on biblical and ancient Near Eastern material and in turn influenced biblical interpretation on the popular level. He is best known to popular audiences for his paranormal thriller, "The Facade", which intertwines many of his interests. A popular guest on Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell says, "Mike is uniquely qualified to discuss the relationship between ancient texts and ufology..."


Communications with Non-Terrestrial Beings: Biblical & Historical Warnings
Mike Bennett, PhD

J. Michael Bennett, PhD, has spent a career in the sciences, serving as a leader in a governmental aerospace laboratory, as well as operating his own successful technology development enterprise. He received his Ph.D. in engineering in 2003, after ending a 10 year education hiatus while working. He served as a leader in a military lab for sixteen years, developing protection technologies and other weird science contraptions. Since 2003, he has operated his own company, which combined technology development and consulting for military, governmental and commercial organizations, with his own in-house development of novel protection technologies. These technologies, invented and patented by Dr. Future, have been a major success in the marketplace, currently protecting police cars, race cars and military vehicles, and soon to include commercial buildings. He hosted the weekly radio show “Future Quake”, under the radio moniker of “Doctor Future”. In 2008, Bennett was invited to speak at a United Nations and World Council of Churches-sponsored international conference in Montreal, Canada, with the conference theme of "Reconnecting Heaven and Earth, in Spirit, Space and the Human Psyche". This group has also created a new, ecumenical religious order called "The Order of the Transfiguration", an "ecumenical order with links to the United Nations and the World Council of Churches", which studies "apparitions, post-mortem contacts with dead saints, invocations of saints and angels", amongst other things, which "is dedicated as a 'mid-wife' of a New Humanity in a New World Order". Bennett was (somehow, miraculously!) the ONLY evangelical Christian invited to present at this conference. He (somehow, miraculously!) escaped with his life, and repeated this lecture at our conference. 

Unholy Communion: The Fourth Kind Unveiled
by Joe Jordan and Guy Malone
"Overview of the Messages Extraterrestrials Bring" by Guy Malone and
"Alien Abductions: The Untold Truth" by Joe Jordan



Unholy Communion: The Spiritual Nature of Abduction Reports
by Joe Jordan

From the Ancient of Days Conference - The First Christian Symposium on Aliens



Comunión Impía - La Naturaleza Espiritual de los Reportes de Abducción
by Joe Jordan

Comunión Impía, por Joe Jordan, presentado en el Primer Simposio Cristiano sobre Extraterrestres, demuestra definitiva e irrefutablemente que las entidades mundialmente conocidas como "extraterrestres" son realmente, demonios; a su vez y como prueba superior demuestra con exhaustiva documentación en investigación que ante el Nombre y Autoridad de Cristo Jesus estos seres, huyen. Los Aliens Son Demonios!


Biblical Abductions? An Orthodox Look at the Experiences of Elijah, Ezekiel, etc
by Guy Malone


War of the Worlds: The Invisible Battle Conference - Panel Discussion

Question and Answer Session with Guy Malone, Joe Jordan, and Michael Tatar, Jr.



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