The Strong Delusion and End
Times Prophecy
Part 8
"...ET belief is quickly becoming the world’s most
scientifically acceptable false religion
and a major
stumbling block to Christianity... "
- Gary Bates
As we covered in Part 7, the alien deception is a
strong delusion, and the majority of the world is
already believing this lie. But there may be an
even greater element of the alien phenomenon in the
End Times, more than even today, a prophetic
fulfillment that would indicate this Deception may
get Worse and more Large scale.
Beyond being a
strong delusion, this may be the strong
delusion of the end times, as is mentioned in 2
"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the
Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and
destroy with the brightness of His coming. The
coming of the lawless one is according to the
working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying
wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among
those who perish, because they did not receive the
love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for
this reason God will send them strong delusion, that
they should believe the lie, that they all may be
condemned who did not believe the truth but had
pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to
give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved
by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose
you for salvation through sanctification by the
Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called
you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand
fast and hold the traditions which you were taught,
whether by word or our epistle. "
- 2 Thes 2:8-15
On this passage of 2nd Thessalonians, Dr. David
Allen Lewis and Robert Shrekhise wrote in their
groundbreaking book, UFO: End Time Delusion:
“For Satan to succeed in the last days, he must work a deception so subtle
and so powerful that it will overwhelm the human race both with its rationality
and attraction.”
“An offer by visitors from an advanced civilization on another
planet for assistance to a perishing human race confronted with war, crime,
violence, pollution, global warming, genocide, and a host of other ills that
man’s rebellion have produced will seem irresistible. That the mainstream
scientific community is taking the UFO question seriously, as evidenced by the
heavy-funded, government-sponsored SETI programs, demonstrates that we must look
at the subject in a very serious light.
Any person
who is well-grounded in the Bible and takes the word
of God literally will not be prone to fall for the
end-time delusion. The apostle Paul contrasts those
who accept the Bible with those who reject it...”
- Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise,
UFO: End-Time Delusion, pgs. 68-69
Some Christian researchers have
noted a striking similarity between some passages of
prophecy in the Bible and the alien deception.
I don’t personally like making firm prophetic
doctrinal statements, or letting arguments rest
based on debatable interpretations from the book of
Revelation. But in case any of the proposed theories
below could be correct, I would feel remiss in not
presenting for your consideration what Christian
research has theorized about how aliens and UFOs
might fit into fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the
last days. These are the 3 main topics in which
aliens and UFOs have been proposed to have some
1. Aliens in the Book of Revelation?
sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river
Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the
way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs;
they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the
mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false
prophet. They are spirits of demons performing
miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of
the whole world, to gather them for the battle on
the great day of God Almighty... Then they gathered
the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon."
Rev 16:12-19, 21
David Allen Lewis & Robert Shreckhise postulate,
“In Chapter Sixteen it speaks of
three alien beings who go forth to deceive the
rulers of the Earth. [The three aliens in Revelation
Sixteen have an amphibian or reptilian appearance...
So here we read about three frog-like unclean
spirits… They are not actually frogs, but “like”
frogs. Probably that describes their alien features
or appearance..." - Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise,
End-Time Delusion, pgs. 46-47
Their description is of these frog-like entities
leading the kings of the earth together, prior to
Christ’s return, preparing for the battle of
Paradox Brown, expounding upon this
possible connection, similarly writes:
note that John doesn't say the three evil spirits
"ARE three frogs". He says
they "looked like frogs"...
Let's say that John was shown in his Revelation vision an image of something he
had never seen before... It makes sense
that if John didn't know what this creature was, and had never seen anything
like it, that he would describe it as "looking like" something he was familiar
with. John chose a frog.
But if John had never seen this creature before, that doesn't mean we never
have. Closer to Jesus' return in linear time than John, and closer to the book
of Revelation being fulfilled, it stands to reason that we may have become
familiar with this frog-like creature, even though John was not...
I propose that the culturally common image of a
"gray alien" looks much like a frog...
"1. Frogs and “gray aliens” both have large eyes, and similar facial features.

... large heads and black "wrap around" eyes... slit mouth and no nose to
speak of...
"2. Frogs and gray
aliens have similar hand and finger structure....From
Wikipedia on Gray aliens, "Hand is generally described with four fingers
and no thumb with slight webbing between fingers. Two fingers appear longer than
the others...
Alien hand artist depiction Frog feet
"In "Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form", by Joan D'Arc, she says,
"...the alien gray... fingers are long and thin, and generally
with rounded pads or bulbs at the end... There are usually 4 fingers and a thumb,
but sometimes 3 fingers and a thumb are noted."
Frogs also are known for having rounded pads
or bulbs on their fingertips... Below a frog is compared to a sketch by abductee Colin Wright, who
sketched a "gray alien’s" hand based on what he saw during his “alien abduction”
experience in 1992 with a “gray alien”. The resemblance is striking, note the
long fingers and bulbs.

Both “gray aliens” and frogs have no distinguishable external genitalia...

"4. Frogs and gray aliens both have no hair. "Frogs have no hair." [6]
Wikipedia says of gray aliens, "Head generally described as hairless, sometimes
a slight fuzz. Bodies are hairless." So both “gray aliens” and frogs are
... Additionally, I do want to add a couple equally strange similarities, going
beyond the topic of just appearance:
"5. Both frogs and “gray aliens” absorb through their skin.
From Wikipedia, "Greys reportedly absorb food as well as excrete waste
through the skin, which makes them emit a foul
odor." Of frogs, Wikipedia says, "... oxygen
can pass through their highly permeable skin. This unique feature allows frogs
to "breathe" largely through their skin."
"6. Both frogs and “gray aliens” reproduce through external reproductive means.
Grays are said to reproduce their own kind by cloning, which is an external
non-mammalian reproductive method which would take place in a lab, and growth
would occur in an artificial womb environment. Frogs also reproduce externally,
the male and female components issuing out of the body and fertilizing, then
growing in an external environment like a pond."
- Paradox Brown,
A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels, pgs. 255-260
2. UFO Abduction Used as an Explanation for the Rapture
The Bible seems to teach that at some point in the fulfillment of end times
prophecy, many Christians are going to disappear as they are taken out of harm's
way, from the coming wrath of God. It has been proposed that non-Christians who
remain left behind might explain the disappearance of these Christians by saying
they were removed by UFOs.
Dr. David Allen Alewis and Robert Shreckhise touch
on this subject as well:
"Several of the Bible’s end-time prophecies can now be more clearly understood
when we consider the UFO delusion. For example, the UFO idea will provide one
way for sinful humanity to explain away the rapture of the Church. Mankind will
demand an explanation for the disappearance of 250 to 500 million people when
the 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 event occurs.”
- Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise,
UFO: End-Time Delusion, pg. 25
Similarly, in 1997 Guy Malone wrote:
"Ask yourself a question - If at some point in the future, assuming you
hadn’t read this article, or had no training or belief in Christian doctrine,
and millions of people instantly disappeared from the face of the earth, while
driving, flying airplanes, from right in front of your eyes or from your bed,
where would you think they all went?
"As a brand new believer (at age 23), I was introduced to the teaching, or
doctrine, of the rapture a few years ago. I asked myself the same question. The
whole concept seemed pretty hard to swallow...
"I was definitely convinced that the Bible
was true, that Jesus was, and is, God incarnate, and that most of the other
Biblical teachings of the end times I’d heard and read made sense. Still,
millions of people disappearing at once? And history continuing, for possibly
years? It was a big pill. If you’re reading about it here for the first time and
having trouble believing it, trust me, I understand!
"No, I wouldn’t walk away from my belief in Jesus, nor could I dismiss a portion
of the Bible just because I had trouble with it. I prayed for revelation, for
understanding. Where would the world governments say all the people went? Then
one day, it hit me. Standing outside of a grocery store, while running an errand
with my older brother, God answered.
"They’ll say the UFO people took them away..."
"It was too obvious. I’m far from the only believer to have figured this one out.
But to work, it would have to be the greatest deception ever pulled on the face
of the earth..."
- Guy Malone,
Come Sail Away: UFO Phenomenon and the Bible, pgs. 6-7, 1997
3. Exogenesis - Claimed Alien Creator(s) of Humanity, Leading People to
Unite and Worship the Antichrist
There are varying views on how this possibility might play out, some
more general and some more specific.
Dr. David Allen Lewis and Robert Shreckhise state of "aliens" and UFOs,
"...They figure into the end-time scheme of prophecy and its fulfillment. The
increasing frequency of sightings and “close encounters” are a part of an
end-time assault on humanity. The prophecies of the Bible clearly reveal this.
Both the seemingly benign and the hostile entities are playing their diverse
They will play an increasing role in preparing a segment of humanity for the
reception of the Antichrist..."
- Dr. David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise,
UFO: End-Time Delusion, pg. 25
In a video debunking New Age occultism, evangelist Chris White
"... Let me suggest a possible x factor... That is an extra terrestrial presence being discovered. I realize that
there are many documents that reveal a plan of the new world order to use an
alien threat to cause the patriotism needed for a world government. After all
people would no longer view themselves and separate countries but instead a
world family, this would also create the need for a world bureaucracy to deal
with the threat. But I think that based on the propaganda of Hollywood and the
occult writings that this might not be presented as a threat at all, but rather
as them posing as a savior to a world that will be war torn, They will claim to
be saving us from ourselves, they will claim to have genetically created
mankind, and they would claim that they used to be like us and that we are on
the verge of an evolution...
"...All over the world religions would be in turmoil, here are these aliens and
they are claiming to have created us, that means they are claiming to be our God
in a sense... All the religions would be forced to reconsider their ideas.
Secondly, it would finally get the idea of a possible evolution to the entire
world, everyone across the world, from the smallest village to the largest
city would have a really good reason to believe that they too could be evolved,
they could become like the aliens, they could become actual gods...
"... These demons are influencing people to prepare the way for what the new
world order calls its phoenix. And what the theosophical society calls the world
teacher, their Christ, what I would call the antichrist..."
- Chris White,
David Icke Debunked
(But see more on this topic in
The New Age and its
Relationship to the Antichrist)
Additionally, Paradox Brown describes one
possible scenario this way,
"Beyond this, there is also the “Beast from the
Sea”, with 7 heads and 10 horns, which while having a symbolic meaning, is also
the fallen angel Abaddon who is released from the Abyss...
It seems likely that this fallen angel Abaddon
will take the form of a human man, and not assume a strange “alien” form like
other fallen angels seem to do in Revelation. However, this does not preclude people
believing that he is an alien. In fact, as the whole world is said to worship
him as “god”, it stands to reason that he may claim to be “god” or “creator” of
mankind. A human-looking “alien” who claims he himself created humanity in ages
past, seems a lie that the world might believe. In fact many “abductees” already
believe this. One type of “alien” seen in abduction False Visions is the Nordic.
“Nordic aliens” look like beautiful humans, and some people describe them to
seem angelic, and they also claim creation of humanity...
"Many people already have gotten the idea into their heads that the Earth may
have been visited by aliens in the past, or that aliens might have built the
pyramids, etc., have been visiting us for a long time, or even that aliens
seeded life here on earth. This theory is known as "panspermia" or "exogenesis".
And some abductees already believe that humanity was genetically engineered by
aliens that were here in Earth's past. The foundation of these ideas is the
Theory of Evolution. If people are deceived into thinking Abaddon is an "alien",
who was here in the past, this may be the grand finale of the Theory of
Evolution, which has grown beyond a science theory, to be a faith-based
religious system. In fact, it seems to be the best candidate out there for the
“Strong Delusion” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians.
"As much as believing in evolution is a matter of faith... Exogenesis is
also a matter of faith. What if someday people were told by reliable sources,
such as the government or mainstream media, that "aliens" were real, here, and
from another planet in another solar system? What if someday people were told by
reliable sources that the "aliens" had said they guided the evolution of mankind
through genetic engineering, or were the ones who originally brought life to the
Earth from outerspace? If this were the case, many people would believe it,
especially those who already believe in evolution. Because if a person believes
that life evolved here on earth, it leads them to think life could have evolved
in space as well, and “aliens” could exist... the Theory of Evolution has been
very effective in prepping the world to be deceived by Abaddon, should he claim
to be an “alien” who was here in Earth’s past."
- Paradox Brown,
A Modern Guide to Demons
and Fallen Angels, pgs. 263-264
(Image: Channeled "alien" Ashtar of the UFO cult "Ashtar Command"/ "Supreme
Commander of The Galactic Federation")
Could the Alien UFO Deception be the Strong
Delusion of Bible Prophecy?
We are not dogmatically endorsing a particular
eschatological stance, but propose these ideas as
theoretical possibilities. However, we do find it
interesting that so many Christians who have applied
themselves to researching the "alien" phenomena,
often arrive at amazingly similar conclusions about
the potential significance of of the alien/UFO topic
and End-Times prophecy fulfillment. Time will tell
if any of these proposed theories are correct or
not. But if
so, the alien/UFO deception could be expected to
increase in both severity and scope, beyond the
already significant impact on the world,
society, and the church which is already evident. As Gary Bates
"... Unlike Buddhism, Islam, etc, extraterrestrial
belief has a veneer of scientific credibility.
Arguably, the world’s most famous scientist,
physicist Stephen Hawking, has even stated that he
believes aliens probably exist. And the world’s most
famous atheistic evolutionist, Richard Dawkins, as
anti-theistic as he is, has no problem with
aliens theoretically seeding life on earth, provided
that somewhere down the chain of creators, there’s a
life form that arose via evolution. Antichristian
scientist, and co-discoverer of the DNA
molecule, Sir Francis Crick, similarly proposed that
life came via panspermia (life seeded by aliens) as
a possible explanation for the mind-boggling
complexity of the coded information on DNA...
"It is a mistake for Christians to be uninformed or
to ignore the alien phenomenon. Belief in aliens is
so prevalent that the church will be seen as
irrelevant in this area if Christians can’t address
the ‘reality’ for the culture on this topic. Its
‘scientific’ bent has an allure not readily found in
other false religions. We regularly dialogue with
people who morph Jesus into an advanced
extraterrestrial; who’s advanced technological
prowess gave him the ability to perform seeming
miracles and even raise the dead. Such ideas are
challenging traditional Christian belief. In most
churches he visits, one of the authors [GB]
regularly meets individuals who have seen something
in the sky that they can’t explain, or even had an
encounter with a being that claimed to be from
another planet. Often they have never spoken to
their pastors or others in the church about it for
fear of ridicule. As such things escalate due to the
ongoing conditioning of the culture we should heed
the warning of Jesus in Matthew 24:24-25: “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform
great signs and miracles to deceive even the
elect—if that were possible.”
- Gary
Bates and Lita Cosner,
Ufology: The World's
Fastest-Growing Scientific Religion?
(emphasis added)