Hear the testimony of Shandy on "The Curs~ed Net" Radio Program

The Testimony of Shandy

My name is Shandy Byars, I am 34 years old.

I have a lot of things to talk about, especially things of the spiritual realm. I was raised in an apostolic church, a very, very powerful one. I have known about the Lord all my life. Through-out the time of me going to church, and having fellowship with the brethren, these were good people that loved God. These were not hypocrites, fakes, or phonies, nor week-end warriors (which means living for God on Sundays and living for the devil the rest of the week. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters.

I stayed in church until I was about sixteen, and during those 16 years, I saw real miracles take place. We were having Camp Meeting in Jackson, MS, and there was a move of the Spirit of God so powerful that some people we knew brought their relative whose name was Regina. She was laying on her death bed with cancer. Her relatives had her brought to be prayed for. There were about 500 people there. She got up completely healed.

My main point in speaking of these true miracles of God is that, in church people never spoke about such things as aliens. My point in sharing these testimonies is to combat Satan and his vicious lies. My family and I, and everybody in the church realm never spoke of aliens.

There were 2 things we did hear because we were from Pascagoula, MS. We had always heard, and even had the experience, and many preachers also, of being paralyzed by an evil force. Let me assure you that this is not sleep paralysis. One thing I have noticed in the last 8 months of my life is that the abduction-experience is that almost every abductee is in the bed asleep when this takes place.

Going back to the 2 things we always heard from my grandmother who worked in Whitfield which is a mental facility, is that Calvin Parker had one of the most famous abduction cases. I know that when Calvin Parker and Charles Hixon were abducted they were fishing. My grandmother met Charles Hixon while, believe it or not, I was being born. I was born Aug. 11, 1974. The case of Calvin Parker and Charles Hixon took place in 1973.from what I understand when they came hysterical to the police officers, the police officers placed them in 2 separate rooms to see if their stories matched. Calvin Parker, the younger one, was hysterical, and prayed to God. The police officers had knew something had taken place.

As a teen-ager that story would trouble me. I brushed that story off, and went on living my life. I at 16 years old and between 17 set out on my on path. Things were good at first, Satan likes to paint a pretty picture. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, and keep you there longer than you want to stay. Now as life went on, I would find myself doing drugs. With my knowledge of God, all my friends who did not know God always knew something was different about me. I believe even as I was in rebellion God was still trying to get me back. Once you come to Jesus Christ you will never be the same again because Jesus Christ is God, who made Heaven his throne, and earth his footstool. I had sunk deep in the miry clay of this world's sin.

I was around 19 when me, and 7 other people were out on a friend's yard one night, and we saw stars begin to move out of their orbit, and begin to move across the sky. Looking back, what we saw started me searching. I knew that it was impossible for stars to move out of their place. There were about 8 of them. Mind you they did not fall and burn up. They all moved to different places in the sky. I knew there had to be intelligence behind them, moving them.

I told my grandmother what we saw, and she said son, don't you know that Satan is the prince and power of the air. I shrugged it off, and went on about my wrong way. Soon I found myself fascinated by the thought of life on other planets. I watched every show about a ufo. As time went on I actually made a little gray alien, with black eyes, that were almond shaped. I had made this thing out of clay. I had books stacked probably about 4 ft. high. If you can see where I am heading, that's where we are going. I began to have times where I was paralyzed, and would have to fight to come out of it. I ignorantly, had given them the key to my spirit, my enthusiasm! The things I feel feed these demons are fear and excitement. I had left the protection of the Father.

When I was 22 I was asleep by myself in my apartment @ 12:00 midnight, and when I awoke, I awoke to my horror that I could not move. This was different than the other times that this has happened to me. I tried to scream, but no words would come out of my mouth. I've never felt so helpless, alone, and scared in my life. Naturally I began to call out to God, and as I did this God begin to speak to me in a still small voice. At this time strong hands begin to choke me, and I begin to feel the life go out of my body. I knew I was in deep trouble.

I begin to carry on a conversation in my mind with God whom I had not spoken to in a long time. In this moment the reality of heaven and hell was crystal clear to me. God spoke to me, and said "say my name". Memories of ole-timers begin to flash in my mind of them rebuking demons in the name of JESUS. God said say my name, and I knew it was Jesus' name. As I did this the evil being that was trying to destroy me fled. I sat down on my couch, and for the first time in a long time felt the presence of our Holy God. As I wept, I repented of my ways, and surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ.

When I returned to the Lord all hell broke loose in my life, because they, being the demons and the evil forces of hell, did not want to give me up so easily. I fought it out this time with the help of the Lord on my side, and with prayer and fasting. I broke the invisible chains that bound me, through the name and the authority of JESUS CHRIST.

I would like to mention this as well, I was asleep again on a Saturday night before Sunday morning church, and I woke up in the dreaded state of paralysis again, and saw a shadow-being dancing and laughing at me in my bed. This time I was ready for war. I knew I had the right to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, and I did so and was released instantly.

I had no knowledge 1 year ago or thought about aliens, ufo's, Erich Von Daniken, Zechariah Sitchen who are just a few to mention, I feel that are the God-Fathers of the New Age Movement. Before, I read these books of the authors previously mentioned, I have a dear friend whose name is Robert who I grew up with. I was looking to try to win him because I his life being in darkness. When I went to speak to him, he became very angry and said God was an E.T. himself. My 1st thought was this guy is off his rocker. Soon he left town, and showed up again, speaking to my family about his life and committing suicide.

So many people talk about their experience with so-called aliens. I want to talk about my experience with God. Most of this happened while in church services and others while I was alone praying. One night while at church, we were all worshipping and there was a move of God unlike I had ever seen here before. I fell on my face in reverence, and when I peeked out of my eyes as I was lying on the floor, I saw the glory cloud and the shakinah glory glory of God. Everybody's face had a golden glow. Many people were weeping, but it was tears of pure joy.

I have read where foolish men who do not know God wrote that the reason that Moses' face glowed after coming off the mountain from being with the Lord was because he had been in radiation with a ufo. I want to point out that this is utter nonsense and lies. This is just one lie I picked out among so many. What brings me here today is I'm here to be put on the front lines of the biggest lie. I want to point out to the UFOLOGIST that I am a born-again GOD-OLOGIST. I have noticed that the exact similarities of the abduction experience is identical to the demonic and fallen angels which is also mentioned in Genesis 6. Why is there always seed taken from men, and ova taken from women. It's the same devils new disguise. Some people want to say that the men of old, the men of the Bible which were prophets, mistook angels for aliens. I beg to differ: it's the other way around. Can you tell me, if aliens were real, why have they not taken over our planet already? Common sense will tell you that they would have long-since ruled us. I don't see anybody being ruled by these so-called aliens. If they have so much power, and are so advanced that they can travel light years to get to our planet, why do they hide and only make themselves visible at night? Ummm.

Interesting, and that's just the tip of the iceberg people. This points out that they are not aliens, in truth but are are the fallen angels and demons of the Bible. The Lord has opened my eyes to see that we are so close to His return, and the closer we get, the more signs and lying wonders we are gonna see. Open your eyes and look at what satan is trying to do. He has trying to get your eyes off God and on aliens. Tell me please why Jesus' name, if you invoke it and live for Him, will stop abductions?

Recently, I have met up with some good people. God showed me the truth, and steered me to these websites, who I met these people through. The 1st website I came across was David Flynn, of the Watcher website and then Guy Malone of AlienResistance.org. I called Guy Malone. I had seen and listened to Joe Jordan. I was overjoyed at how God was using them all. They are watchmen on the wall for this generation. Through Joe I met Byron LeBeau of Curs-ed Net Podcast Radio, who has a wealth of knowledge concerning the Scriptures. I pray that people will wake up and turn their lives over to the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is God and there is no other.

Even as of late, my wife, my grandmother, and I have seen these beings showing themselves, but thank God He showed me the truth, and I am not confused about what we are seeing, but we are making ourselves ready for His glorious return. I challenge any repentant heart to call on Jesus Christ and then on your so-called alien friend and see who helps you then. As we have seen in ufo cults, their end is usually suicide. Calvin Parker, who I previously mentioned who was an abductee, soon lost his sanity, and became institutionalized. These beings are not benevolent, they are lying, deceiving, fallen spirits who want to pull you down to hell with them.

May God Bless Your Eyes To See This Before It Is To Late. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!.