Resistance is Fertile!

Alien Resistance HQ

Alien Resistance HQ, Roswell NM

"The first location in Roswell NM to offer Biblical Perspectives on UFOs and Alien Abductions."

For nearly 10 years Alien Resistance served the public via our physical "HQ" (a missionary-minded, non-profit storefront) in Roswell, New Mexico. Guy Malone, moved from Nashville Tennessee to Roswell, eventually offering "counter-cult" research and apologetic materials to those most affected by the UFO/Alien deception via this location.

Guy arrived in Roswell with no plans whatsoever to open a storefront. He arrived only with a calling from God to be there, and copies of his newly published book "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon and The Bible." Come Sail Away (sometimes described as a 100-page tract) was Guy's New Testament-based thesis on the origins and agenda of the UFO movement, along with his autobiographical testimony of deliverance from tormenting abduction-like experiences at the hands of fallen angels (posing as aliens today) - all wrapped up in an evangelistic and easy-to-read book.

As Guy often tells the story in interviews, his plans were to merely offer the book at major tourist locations, then perhaps set up re-ordering procedures where the book sold. However, Guy found that the #1 tourist spot in Roswell - The International UFO Museum - refused to carry the book (without reading or reviewing it) solely "...because it dealt with religion." Oddly, the major local Christian bookstore also declined to carry the book (without reading or reviewing it) solely "...because it dealt with UFOs"!

Nine months later, the vision to open an independent location became a reality. Alien Resistance HQ became the only source in Roswell New Mexico where books by orthodox Christian authors were offered to the inquiring public traveling from nearly all points of the globe to find out "the truth" about UFOs, aliens, and the 1947 Roswell crash.

Aside from books for sale, tourists were encouraged to take numerous one-page topical flyers (written by Malone or other Christians) for free, containing this website's url for their further study. The location eventually grew to also offer Starbuck's coffee, cold beverages and internet access to Roswell's many thousands of tourists. This provided a comfortable "living room" atmosphere for conversations.. well, of all kinds really (!) but often centered around Guy's view that "The Bible has the answer to your questions, and Jesus Christ IS the answer to your questions."

While ultimately operating at a perpetual loss (even with Guy often living inside the storefront to keep expenses down), Alien Resistance HQ was made possible in part by monthly and moral support from Harvest Christian Fellowship (Guy's former home-church in Nashville) and by Christ's Church of Roswell. New Destiny Fellowship and Calvary Chapel of Roswell also provided different types of support in varying ways, and Joy Fellowship of Reserve New Mexico also provided financial support for many years as well while the storefront was operating in Roswell.

THANK YOU to the dozens of individuals who helped, sacrificed, and volunteered their time and talents to help make ARHQ as effective and fruitful as it could be for so many years!

For a while, Guy also hosted an internet radio program called "Live From Roswell". Many Thanks to musician and apologist Cris Putnam for creating the "Alien Resistance Theme Song"!

History of Past Locations:

Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of ARHQ with the Chamber of Commerce

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Guy Malone, founder outside 116 East 2nd St.  2000 - 2002



2nd location 109 North Main  (2002-2005) Directly Across from the UFO Museum. How do you think they enjoyed seeing THIS every day?

3rd location 706 West 2nd (2005-2007)

4th location 209 North Main (2007- 2010) Operated out of the "Not Of This World" Coffeehouse This also housed our free-to-the-public Christian Lending Library

10th Anniversary of Alien Resistance HQ


Are Alien Demons?
Filmed on location in Roswell, NM

© Alien Resistance 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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