Our activities include:
1) Attending UFO Conferences nationwide to set up info and outreach tables;
2) Help for those who are experiencing paranormal contact;
3) Writing content for, and never-ending maintenance of, our websites;
4) Conducting public lectures offering Biblical viewpoints on UFOs and abductions at our own conferences, UFO conferences, churches, and other Christian events.
(If you would be interested in having us speak at your church or event, contact us at alienresistancehq@gmail.com)
5) Production and Distribution of said public lectures free to view online, and on DVD.
Our main expenses are usually webhosting costs, DVD production supplies, costs for hosting our own conferences, booths at other conferences and events, and travel expenses. There are close to a dozen or so UFO conferences in the U.S. each year. We try to attend major and minor gatherings, offering books and DVDs with Biblical perspectives on these topics, and free Bibles and other handouts with our articles and sites. Many of the books we recommend do sell at these conferences to a select few, but sales are usually marginal, and never pays the entire cost of the trip. However, many people sit and chat and/or pray with us, while interested parties simply take our free material and often discuss matters with us more privately via e-mail, or at a later time as they are led, and/or contact us for help.
Past conferences have included Roswell NM, San Antonio TX, Clearwater FL, Eureka Springs, Ark, San Francisco CA, Las Vegas, NV, Denver, Co, some annual MUFONsymposiums, etc, etc. Many of these are annual events, and there are still others we have yet to attend.
See pictures of our July 2010 Roswell UFO Festival booth and Ancient of Days Conference.
The April 2010 Last Days Conference in Nashville, TN, where Guy Malone and Joe Jordan were both speakers. (Left: Joe Jordan baptizing a new believer at Last Days.)
Photos from our booth at the Roswell 2008 UFO Festival, and Joe Jordan speaking at New Destiny Fellowship, are here.
Also, in July 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, and 2010 Guy Malone organized the Ancient of Days conferences in Roswell, NM during the annual Roswell UFO Festival. The Ancient of Days conferences have offered orthodox Biblical perspectives a public and popular venue among the secular UFO community. The 2004 conference introduced top secular researchers to Christian ministers, to engage in amiable, meaningful dialogue in a 3-hour panel discussion at the event’s conclusion.
More recently in July 2017 Guy Malone, Joe Jordan and Michael Heiser presented among other speakers at the 70th Anniversary Roswell UFO Conference.
If you would like to help by getting involved in this ministry work yourself, volunteering your time to do outreach, please email us at guymalone@gmail.com.
To help “Support The Resistance” financially, you may donate to Guy Malone’s current outreach and conference projects based out of Roswell, NM at Roswell Mission or mail a check made out to “Roswell Mission”:
PO Box 2786
Roswell, NM