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Coffee With Alien Resistance

Bible Study on Anger – Coffee with Alien Resistance Guy and Paradox do a topical Bible Study on Anger. Ephesians, Galatians, Colossians… we even hit Proverbs and Psalms. Very…

Dr. Michael S. Heiser, Author of the Facade – Coffee With Alien Resistance Guy and Paradox interview Dr. Michael S. Heiser, M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages, scholar in the fields…
Paradox Brown’s Story – Coffee with Alien Resistance

Paradox Brown’s Story – Coffee with Alien Resistance

Coffee with Alien Resistance – Guy Malone and Paradox Brown chat over coffee. Paradox Brown,  tells some of her life…
Guy Malone’s Story – Coffee with Alien Resistance

Guy Malone’s Story – Coffee with Alien Resistance

Coffee with Alien Resistance – Episode 1 Guy Malone and Paradox Brown chat over coffee, Guy tells his life…

Piercing the Cosmic Veil

New Release: July 7, 2020
By Joseph Jordan and
Jason Dezember

Over 100 Online Testimonies that Alien Abductions
Stop and Can be Terminated as a Life Pattern
in the Name & Authority of Jesus Christ

Are Alien Demons?
Filmed on location in Roswell, NM

© Alien Resistance 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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