The CE4 Research Group
Testimony – 114
I`m doing a sumary of important facts, that I experienced. I always asked to myself, why did those things happened to me?, I feel so identify with CE4 Research videos on the web. I`m from Guatemala, I`m a Veterinarian and I am 29. Since I have memory, the night isn`t my favorite day time, for many situations I have passed on. In my childhood I experienced a lot of encounters with a lot of creatures, since creatures as “bigfoot” alike, to creatures named for themselves “transformers” or “decepticons” (I know much of people will think that I`m insane). Weather I was congregating in a Christian church, I left that habit, when I was 13; by te age of 15, I used to hear Celine Dion`s music, and I had a disease “lepra” alike, I also had a familiar member involved in saucering and I learned to play the guitar; by the time and for my family situations, it was habitual to me to get sleep at the living room, one of the reasons, was that I got on my house at 3 or 4 AM. One night of June (1999), I got home at 3 in the morning, I putted my disc player with walkmans besides me, and I kept laying going to sleep, on the principal couch. I don`t know how much time I slept, but as it was still dark, I was awake with my arms over me like a “nosferatu” position, I was unable to move or to open my eyes, and my heart started to pump really fast and my respiration rate was elevated, I thought I would die. At the time three things happened at the matter of 2 or 3 seconds: First I fell of 1 meter of high (I realized in that moment, that I was levitating with the couch), as I fell, the window that was near of me crushed and made a real strong noise, It Kept vibrating, and third, at this time, my mom who has been really a believer always, opened a room`s door that was alineated with the couch (where I was sleeping) and the window that crushed, saying instantly this words: “did you see the alien?”. I remember this event, as the shockiest thing I`ve ever experienced. I always thought that as my mother has been always a believer, she by the blood of Jesus Christ was able to reprend that “alien”. That experience made me a believer and I got close to God. I have been witness of other things, my brother too, separately or together. Once he saw a creature with “Jesus” form or look, and he said to it “you are not my lord” and suddenly it transformed to a horrible demon. Other time, we were sleeping at the same rooms in separated beds, in the night the tv turned on, an then off; then on, and off, and kept like that about 5 minutes, I said to my brother to leave the remote, that it wasn´t funny, and he said te same to me; I showed him my hands, and he did the same to me, and the two of us at the time saw the remote on the table among the beds, we call mom, and when she came, the tv stopped doing the turning on/off thing. Then we slept, and later, I woke up, and I saw in the door (that was opened) 6 to 8 gray creatures with small mouths, large eyes, and with no hair. They were thin and with different tallness; they were unable to pass, I remember that I was trying to cover my eyes with my covertor when I discovered my eyes they were still there. I remember that I thought “why can´t they pass? why cant´they get in the room?” I watched them carefully, and I realized that a Bible was on the table near to the door. It is the only explanation that I have, for the reason they weren`t able to get in. This made me closer to Jesus Christ than before. After these events, I haven´t seen this kind of creatures (I have seen other kinds), but in other situations I have felt that they try to abduct me, even I have levitate over my bed, I have felt too that a lot of them have tried to push me away my bed to take me with them, but those situations were different, for I had think or said the name over all names Jesus Christ, even as they have tried to break my lips or get into my mind, there have been victories for Christ!, my ultimate experience was like 7 years ago. Sometimes they comeback as the daemons they are, but the name of Jesus has rescue me an they have left me in peace, THANKS TO JESUS! HIS NAME HAS POWER AGAINST THEM!. Thank you for your attention, excuse me for my bad english! God Bless you!
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The CE4 Research Group has to date worked with over 400 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience. The CE4 Research Group has been the Investigative arm of, a clearing house website covering the Biblical view on the UFO phenomenon. Seeing that there seemed to be a spiritual nature to the Alien Abduction experience, they posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted by Aliens”? Read more on their research and findings at
“The one thing we can offer people in this field, that nobody else anywhere is offering, is hope. Hope that they can stop this experience.”
– Joe Jordan, President CE4 Research Group, 1997 Florida Today article