The CE4 Research Group
Testimony – 27
Olivia’s Short Message
I finished reading The Premise of Spiritual Warfare……..what a glorious work!!!
All of it so true….I have never been abducted but I have had the paralysis…can’t move..have to listen to demons lie experience….even after I got out of automatic handwriting and got saved…
I found how just how fast these beings will scatter upon hearing the Name of Jesus…The work you and your colleagues are doing is just great….
Just wanted to drop by and say “thanks” and I know you will continue the battle…who knows…..that one person who is delivered and saved may be the last one ….then we are out of here!!
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The CE4 Research Group has to date worked with over 400 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience. The CE4 Research Group has been the Investigative arm of, a clearing house website covering the Biblical view on the UFO phenomenon. Seeing that there seemed to be a spiritual nature to the Alien Abduction experience, they posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted by Aliens”? Read more on their research and findings at
“The one thing we can offer people in this field, that nobody else anywhere is offering, is hope. Hope that they can stop this experience.”
– Joe Jordan, President CE4 Research Group, 1997 Florida Today article