The CE4 Research Group
Testimony – 31
My Story Is No Different, Or Is It?
There was a reason for me to find this site, unbelievable. I thought I was the one that was crazy, I kept seeing an alien’s face, when I would close my eyes, I wasn’t trying to see them or think of them, when I was tired and wanted to close my eyes and rest a bit. I had marks on my left foot, and couldn’t recall how it got there. or why my genitals hurt, and why?
Or how the dream of being raped, they call it an incubus, was I enjoying this, because in this so called vivid dream, I recall seeing the incubus, as he was on top of me, he was gray like a skeleton type body. Somehow for some reason, it wouldn’t let me open my eyes, and when I did manage to open them, it was horrible. I tried to get it off of me, it wouldn’t let go of me. I tried very hard on the internet to learn of what an incubus really was, and when I learned of what they were, OMG. It is something I would never ever wish for or even think of it, I pray and ask God to help it be gone, as it is not of him or from him. It is evil, and it is a fallen angel, one of Satan’s followers.
It knows how to attack us when we are vulnerable, even when we are not aware. Now that I know there are others out there like me who are not alone, I thank God, I found you.
I write Christian poetry and this one saying of mine is; We walk in the light for God is always with us even in our darkest hour he will never abandon us, For God is good. and last but not least:
When its Springtime in the winter, when the snow starts to melt, I see the birds have come to hear the wind that blows so softly dear. gentle as the rain as it falls to the ground. when nature breaks and opens forth the seasons time has changed.
God Bless this site, for it is truth, and truth will set us free, for evil will die, and become no more.
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The CE4 Research Group has to date worked with over 400 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience. The CE4 Research Group has been the Investigative arm of, a clearing house website covering the Biblical view on the UFO phenomenon. Seeing that there seemed to be a spiritual nature to the Alien Abduction experience, they posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted by Aliens”? Read more on their research and findings at
“The one thing we can offer people in this field, that nobody else anywhere is offering, is hope. Hope that they can stop this experience.”
– Joe Jordan, President CE4 Research Group, 1997 Florida Today article