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Demons Disguised As Aliens Rebuked In Jesus Name


The CE4 Research Group

Testimony – 70


Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,
My dear brothers in Christ, I want to tell you how greatful and thankful I am to all of you who do this research and expose the truth of these manifested demons disguising themselves as aliens. God is so good! His grace and mercy endure forever and I am so glad I am a child of God!  I have been a believer for 20 years. I am a single mom and I have been harassed for years by these demons. I never knew what they were, until I attended our assembly(a home church) last Sunday and my pastor had shown us two of your DvDs. He has been saying for years that he believes the scripture in second Thess, that says”Because they loved NOT the truth, for this reason God will send them a strong delusion so they will believe the LIE”, actually that this alien phenomena is in fact “the lie” Of course, no one really knows if it is or not. To continue with my story, the week leading up to last Sunday, I was having a hard time sleeping and whenever I would open my eyes, I would see these black scary things standing by my window. No Ufos, no lights, so I would rebuke them in the name of Jesus and they went away, and this continued on for 3 nights! I called my pastor to tell him what was happening and he told me to just keep rebuking them, so I did. Then, on Sunday I seen your videos and the tears starting pouring, actually tears of joy because I knew what they were! The ones I seen looked similiar to the Reptilian type of demons. Well, I was just so relieved to know what they were and so thankful and humbled to my Lord, because I had that week been praying a lot and praising the Lord through worship every single morning for hours, because my teenage daughter had been camping and I was home alone, so I had a lot of time with the Lord, which I always cherish! Like I said, there have been harrassments like these for years, on and off, and it is always when I feel so close to the Lord and when I am in total obedience to him in every area of my life! I believe the Lord wanted me to share my testimony with you. Feel free to do with it whatever be his will! 
May God richly bless you for exposing the truth and may you continue to be truth seekers for the kingdom of God in a world and even in a universal church that rarely seeks the truth anymore!!


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The CE4 Research Group has to date worked with over 400 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience. The CE4 Research Group has been the Investigative arm of, a clearing house website covering the Biblical view on the UFO phenomenon. Seeing that there seemed to be a spiritual nature to the Alien Abduction experience, they posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted by Aliens”? Read more on their research and findings at

“The one thing we can offer people in this field, that nobody else anywhere is offering, is hope. Hope that they can stop this experience.”

– Joe Jordan, President CE4 Research Group, 1997 Florida Today article

Piercing the Cosmic Veil

New Release: July 7, 2020
By Joseph Jordan and
Jason Dezember

Over 100 Online Testimonies that Alien Abductions
Stop and Can be Terminated as a Life Pattern
in the Name & Authority of Jesus Christ

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Are Alien Demons?
Filmed on location in Roswell, NM

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