Resistance is Fertile!

Alien Resistance HQ

The Bay Area UFO Expo 2004
All photos 
© Guy Malone &

Coast to Coast AM‘s
George Noory,
Richard C. Hoagland & Lloyd Pye
deliver key notes for
The Bay Area UFO Expo 2004,
while Victoria Jack and other VIPs
Brian William Hall, Jordan Maxwell and 
Richard M Dolan watch – 
along with another guest who apparently didn’t want to be photographed!

Expo Organizer
Victoria Jack
(below w/ speaker
John Rhodes

Scheduled Keynote Address delivered by 
Lloyd Pye

George Noory
w/ speaker
Richard C. Hoagland

Richard Dolan w/wife Karyn

Brian William Hall,
organizer of
Conspiracy Con

Phyllis Glade, editor
Fate Magazine

Phyllis Glade, editor
Fate Magazine

Dean Houglund
(aka “Langley” of the X-Files) w/
Guy Malone

Guy Malone, organizer of
Roswell NM’s
Ancient of Days conference

While many other speakers & VIPs were in attendance “this reporter” had an exhibitor table to attend to, so most pics below are of other exhibitors.  I spent the weekend engaged in conversations with many people at the table, and snapped a few pics.   (Pics from Bay Area 2002’s speakers are here.)

My table (see booklist here, DVD list here)
at my table

David Flynn (right)

…and I got my
ear wax cleaned out!

…Someone’s got
a Jedi
on her back!

Some of the other Exhibitors
Note that I focused on the more colorful, photogenic ones… Names and links are appreciated for any I’ve missed!

<l   above, and   r>
VerDarLuz & Levin

Douglas Taylor

Speaker, Dr. Loius Turi

<<< “The Crystal Lady”

Jason Whitney &
The Truthstore Gang


Adopt A Minefield

JE Martin
Psychic Tarot Readings

All photos Copytight 2001 Guy Malone &
All Rights Reserved. Guy Malone is the founder of and organizer of the Ancient of Days
UFO/Abduction Conference held in Roswell New Mexico

More photos:
X-Conference April 2004 Washington DC
(photos of AoD & X-Con, by Joe Jordan, whom I shared a table with there)
Majestic Documents November 2003 Las Vegas NV
Bay Area UFO Expo August 2002 in Santa Clara, CA

Roswell UFO Crash Site pics
Crop Circles

Piercing the Cosmic Veil

New Release: July 7, 2020
By Joseph Jordan and
Jason Dezember

Over 100 Online Testimonies that Alien Abductions
Stop and Can be Terminated as a Life Pattern
in the Name & Authority of Jesus Christ

Are Alien Demons?
Filmed on location in Roswell, NM

© Alien Resistance 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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