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Testimonies of Freedom

Victory Over These “Creatures” in Jesus – Video Testimony

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 116     << Back to The CE4 Research Testimonies Index The CE4…

Little Humanoid Attacks Me On My Bed – Sleep Paralysis

The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 115 Hello Joe JordanMy name is Rich and I suffer from what most call…

Levitation and Gray Aliens

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 114   I`m doing a sumary of important facts, that I experienced. I…

Tall Grey Stopped in Name of Jesus – I still don’t think my body left my bedroom

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 113   The Testimony of Brent   Dear Mr. Jordan, I am now…

In the name of Jesus, Get OUT of here!

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 112   The Testimony of Matt Dear Joe Jordan… I have come across…

Early Days as a Christian Faced Demonic Attack – Overcame By Prayer to Jesus

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 111   The Testimony of Matthew  My name is Matthew and I just…

God Warned Me of Great UFO Deception – Power of Christ

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 110   The Testimony of Simon   Hello, I was drawn to write…

Astral Projection – Jesus Stops Bad Experience

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 109   The Testimony of KJ Hi i just want to say that…

Christ Gives Freedom From Post-Abduction Xenophobia

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 108   The Testimony of Anonymous 7 I decided after reading many of…

Prayer to God Helps: Aliens, Old Hag, Sleep Paralysis, Strange Encounters

  The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 107   The Testimony of Ian Hi Joe I have just watched one…
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Piercing the Cosmic Veil

New Release: July 7, 2020
By Joseph Jordan and
Jason Dezember

Over 100 Online Testimonies that Alien Abductions
Stop and Can be Terminated as a Life Pattern
in the Name & Authority of Jesus Christ

Are Alien Demons?
Filmed on location in Roswell, NM

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