Joe Jordan
Joe Jordan is President
and co-founder of
The CE 4 Research Group.
He is also a MUFON State Section Director for Brevard County, Florida.
CE 4 is an alien abduction research group based in Joe’s hometown of Cocoa, Florida (aka “the Space Coast).
CE 4 first distinguished themselves from all other UFO and Abduction research groups by being the first to publish – within the UFO community – documented cases of abductions being halted.
Primarily an outreach ministry to abductees, CE-4 Research Group was established to separate their MUFON activities from their abduction investigation and research. Established in October, 1996, the group consists of about a dozen MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Field Investigators and researchers.
Joe’s topic for Ancient of Days 2004
“Terminating Abductions: Testimony of a M.U.F.O.N Researcher”
Picture: Joe speaking at Ancient of Days 2003 with a “public” abductee, Joyce.
Joe’s published testimonies – posted by permission of those who have terminated their abduction experiences – provided much of the original basis for the AlienResistance website, which currently averages over 600 page views per day.
While his material is certainly controversial, Joe has shared this topic in church settings, and completed many interviews for both paranormal and Christian radio shows, and was featured in both New Man and Charisma Magazine.
Note that not all speakers agree with one another’s viewpoints and/or worldviews, or with that of the organizers and sponsors of this conference. Our goal is firstly to provide the best information available regarding the reality and documentation of the UFO & abduction phenomena from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, then have our speakers question and challenge one another in regards to it’s origin(s) and possible meaning(s). The panel discussions alone should be quite interesting!